Fantastic News For Gearheads!
A couple of guys that I know are about to create something wonderful for all of the gearheads on the internet!  It is called “The Tom and Joe Car Show”.  It’s beginning on Monday December 8th and it is a podcast that can be accessed at
Now, if you are someone that regularly watches awesome gearhead videos on YouTube, like myself, you are probably already subscribed to both of their YouTube channels. If not, I recommend that you go do that now, you’ll be happy that you did.
Joe B’s YouTube Channel – Wrenches, Races, and Rides
Tom T’s YouTube Channel – Tom’s Turbo Garage
On the other hand, if you aren’t somebody who hangs out watching car-builds on YouTube on rainy days, then I’ll give you the cliff notes.
Turbo Tom – as he is known to some – has had a plethora of cars with forced induction from Mitsubishis to Buick Grand Nationals.  He is a real car-guy, understands the science and math behind the greasy parts, and is meticulous with his upgrades and repairs.  Tom does real-world repairs and tasteful performance upgrades that make perfect sense and are doable by real people with real budgets. He builds the cars the way that they should be built, and shows the viewers what happens when things go right and what to do if they wrong. His work space is what every gearhead dreams of, but few of us can maintain. Watching his videos make me seriously wonder if I am in fact a hoarder of junky cars and auto parts.
Joe B – is a guy that is very well known in the online automotive communities for going really stupid fast with cars that were never intended to be. His vast knowledge of turbo cars, metal, great beards, and racing is on a level that most strive to achieve. His current project is a front wheel drive DSM that he has stripped to a sandblasted shell, and is turning it into a budget drag racer. His work space is what most of us have, and he has shown us brilliant ways to make the most of it. His YouTube channel is one that you can watch every video from beginning to end a few times, and keep getting more out of it each time.
Both of these guys are the real deal as far as car-guys go. They aren’t actors that you’ll ever see on the red carpet, but they could get your car running again after a 2-3-2 shift at the drag strip.  Subscribe to their youtube channels, watch their videos, and most importantly tune-in to the brand new Tom and Joe Auto Show podcast on Monday. They are doing this for OUR entertainment, how can we say no to that?!
Be Sure To Share This News With Every Gearhead You Know!